Green text No errors found
Red text Parser error [Found in 0 file(s)]
Orange text Double strings [Found in 0 file(s)]
Brown text Apostrophe syntax error [Found in 0 file(s)]
Pink text Untranslateable string, array or plural - Has to be removed from xml! [Found in 0 file(s)]
Cyan text Wrong values folder [Found in 0 file(s)]
Blue text '+' outside of tags [Found in 0 file(s)]
Grey text Invalid variable formatting [Found in 0 file(s)]
Gold text Requires formatted=false [Found in 0 file(s)]

Checked (check_all) Belorussian MIUI14 (be) repository on Sat 27 Jul 2024 03:01:55
No errors found in this repository!